- or -
- or -
Parcel Number | Address | Jurisdiction | Active |
${ParcelNumber} | ${Address} ${CityStateZip} |
${Jurisdiction} | ${IsActive} |
Parcel #: | ${ParcelNumber} |
Owner: | ${Owner} |
Address: | ${Address} ${CityStateZip} |
Jurisdiction: | ${Jurisdiction} |
Mortgage Company: | ${MortgageCompany} |

Mail To: | ${TaxPayerName} ${TaxPayerAddress} ${TaxPayerCityStateZip} |
${LatestStatement.Year} Statement #${LatestStatement.StatementNumber} |
Mill Levy Rate: | ${LatestStatement.MillLevyRate} |
Consolidated: | ${LatestStatement.ConsolidatedTotal} |
Specials: | ${LatestStatement.SpecialsTotal} |
Drains: | ${LatestStatement.DrainsTotal} |
Other: | ${LatestStatement.OtherTotal} |
Discounts: | ${LatestStatement.Discount} |
Pen/Int: | ${LatestStatement.PenaltiesAndInterestTotal} |
1st Due: | ${LatestStatement.FirstInstallment} |
2nd Due: | ${LatestStatement.SecondInstallment} |
Amount Due: | ${LatestStatement.Balance} |
Grand Total Due: | ${GrandTotalDue} |
Year | Statement # | Type | Tax | Penalty | Interest | Discount * | Paid | Balance | Add to Cart |
${Year} | ${StatementNumber} | ${PropertyTypeLink} | ${Tax} | ${Penalty} | ${Interest} | ${Discount} | ${Paid} | ${Balance} | ${AddToCartLink} |
Year | Agricultural | Residential | Commercial | Total | Taxable Value Before Credits |
Credits | Net Taxable Value | ||
Land | Land | Building | Land | Building | |||||
${AssessmentYearLink} | ${AgriculturalLandAssessment} | ${ResidentialLandAssessment} | ${ResidentialBuildingAssessment} | ${CommercialLandAssessment} | ${CommercialBuildingAssessment} | ${TotalAssessment} | ${TaxableBeforeCredits} | ${TotalCredits} | ${Taxable} |
Project Code | Project Name | Principle Remaining | ${CurrentSpecialsYear} Installment | Future (proposed) | Add to Cart |
${ProjectCode} | ${ProjectName} | ${UncertifiedBalanceBeforeCertification} | ${ProjectedCertifiedAmount} | ${FutureBalance} | ${AddToCartLink} |
Total | ${UncertifiedBalanceBeforeCertificationTotal} | ${ProjectedCertifiedAmountTotal} | ${FutureBalanceTotal} |
Payoff Date:
Paid Specials
Year | Total Payment | Principal Amount | Interest Amount |
${Year} | ${ProjectedCertifiedAmount} | ${ProjectedCertifiedPrincipal} | ${ProjectedCertifiedInterest} |
Type | Amount |
Homestead Credits | ${HomesteadCredits} |
Veteran Credits | ${VeteranCredits} |
Total | ${TotalCredits} |
Type | Description | Amount |
${Type} | ${Description} | ${Amount} |
Total | ${TaxItemsTotal} |
Date | Payee | Amount |
${Date} | ${Payee} | ${Amount} |
${ProjectCode} - ${ProjectName} | |
Year: | ${Year} |
Start Year: | ${StartYear} |
Project Term: | ${ProjectTerm} |
End Year: | ${EndYear} |
Uncertified Balance Before Certification: | ${UncertifiedBalanceBeforeCertification} |
Uncertified Balance Year End: | ${UncertifiedBalanceYearEnd} |
Future Balance: | ${FutureBalance} |
Deferred Balance: | ${DeferredBalance} |
Accrued Interest: | ${AccruedInterest} |
Payoff Total: | ${PayoffTotal} |
Interest Start Date: | ${InterestStartDate} |
No Interest If Paid By Date: | ${NoInterestIfPaidByDate} |
Interest Rate: | ${InterestRate} |
Daily Interest: | ${DailyInterest} |
Days of Interest: | ${DaysOfInterest} |
Projected Certified Principal: | ${ProjectedCertifiedPrincipal} |
Projected Certified Interest: | ${ProjectedCertifiedInterest} |
Projected Certified Amount: | ${ProjectedCertifiedAmount} |
Payoff Date:
Project Code | Project Name | Payoff Amount |
${ProjectCode} | ${ProjectName} | ${PayoffTotal} |
Item | Description | Payment Amount | Total Due | Remove From Cart |
#{} | ${Description} | ${PaymentAmountColumn} | ${TotalDue} | ${RemoveColumn} |
Total | ${PaymentAmount} | ${TotalDue} | ![]() |

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